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+49 01789131074

munich, germany

honors and awards.

Ehrungen und Auszeichnungen.

  • Completed the Victoria International Leadership Programme which is an extracurricular programme that helped enhance my degree and made me more globally aware. This program aided my leadership potential, advanced my knowledge, built my global competency and enabled me to think critically about the leadership challenges in various world affairs. It also created opportunities for international experiences and global connections during my study.


  • A scholarship into the OvMF “excellence program”, where I lived with and learned from students and scientists from all over the world in the Architecture and Engineering field. This program exposed me to different cultures and backgrounds and helped me build my organization, communication, technical and social skills, while studying at the Technical University of Munich, Germany.


  • Scholarship awarded to students displaying high quality of leadership, results and extra curricular engagement in the VILP program at VUW, to put toward international studies abroad. This was used to aid in my studies and exchange at the Technical University of Munich, Germany.


  • Award received while in presidency of STUDIO, for highest level of engagement with students, well-being and results.


  • Highest honour awarded to any student for their contribution to the student community at Victoria University of Wellington.


  • Awarded for completion of the Victoria Plus Program and outstanding commitment to leadership, volunteering and developing professional and life skills over my undergraduate studies.




  • Master Thesis in Architectural Studies, submitted to Victoria University of Wellington, NZ.
    Grade: A

  • “The togetherness of strangers: The role of culture and personality in the therapeutic landscape.” Presented in person at the 8th Annual International Conference on Urban Studies & Planning, 4-7 June 2018, Athens, Greece.

  • “The Vertical Garden” - Poster submission. International Conference on Smart, Sustainable and Sensuous Settlements Transformation (3SSettlements) Announcement Conference date: 7th - 8th March 2018. Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany.